Get Industrial Strength Grip Volume 2!

Product Name: Get Industrial Strength Grip Volume 2!


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Get Industrial Strength Grip Volume 2! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


If you are fed up with missing lifts and cutting sets short due to a slipping grip, keep reading. If you want to shatter personal records of all kinds, grab hold of this information. The strongmen of yore held the secret weapon of strength in their big, meaty paws.

Andy Bolton, the first man to deadlift over 1,000 pounds, credits two of the exercises in this very program as “the ones that have enabled a dream like a 1,008-pound deadlift to become a reality.”

Can you honestly say that grip is not a limiting factor for you?

Let’s be honest, it probably is. While you diligently train your heart, lung, chest and legs, you only THINK you train your arms. Sure, you do biceps curls and triceps extensions — you might even add in wrist curls — but you are still missing 90 percent of the lifts that will make you better.

What does this cost you?

Inches of dense muscle tissue. Hundreds of total pounds subtracted off of lifts. A higher risk of injury to elbows, wrists, and fingers, and for many, the shame of a weak, bony handshake.

My name is Adam Glass, and I am the man who is going to teach you to build an indomitable grip. I hold 13 world records in grip strength and have some of the strongest hands in the entire world. As a performing strongman, I have destroyed metal spikes, torn thousands of decks of cards, scrolled miles of steel bars and horseshoes. I have made the impossible a reality by developing my body past the modern worlds perceived limit.

Over the years, I have trained thousands of people to develop stronger, healthier hands: bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlifters, mixed martial artists, rock climbers, hockey players, musicians; the list goes on and on. Every time I share the missing link of grip strength with someone, his or her performance improves. What does that mean? It means I can help YOU realize your potential!

It’s a lot easier to reach a destination when the person giving you directions has been where you want to go.

Want powerful hands? I am the one to teach you.

There was a time when garage lifters, athletes, and coaches thought it was enough grip training to do deadlifts, pull-ups and rows. Now, the best trainers in the world have learned that specific grip training is absolutely necessary to unleash all the physical capacity a person has. The grip simply isn’t trained enough when only trained generally.

I have dedicated over a decade of my training to knowing everything there is to know about grip training, and how to do it most effectively. No matter what the grip goal, whether pulling a massive deadlift PR or competing at the highest levels in grip sport, I have armed others with the tools and information they’ve needed to crush their goals.

For the last two years, men and women across the globe have been smashing their personal bests using the secrets of Industrial Strength Grip Vol. 1. This summer I decided it was time to polish the course.

I added 23 new never-before-seen movements not available in any other grip product anywhere. I also filmed each drill from more angles and brought in some better technology to bring to you a beautifully crafted training DVD. This is not a DVD filmed on a cell phone in someone’s garage!

What EXACTLY will you learn in Industrial Strength Grip Vol 2?

The essentials of hand strength!

You will be thrust in immediately with a lesson on the world’s favorite method of grip training, torsion spring grippers. I will share with you the methods I have used to dominate the Mash Monster 4 gripper and Captain of Crush 3.5. Grippers can be an incredible tool for grip strength, if you know how to use them. I will show you the techniques that will allow you to make incredible progress in crushing grippers, and how it can carry over to your other training.

Next we delve into the block that has allowed me to best the strongest grip athletes in the world and capture 9 pinch lifting world records: how to use the thumb.

Pinch lifting is one of the fundamental movements in grip sport and grip training. No matter what your goals, training your pinch grip will produce gains in every area.

Grip training is not limited to fingers and thumbs: It is about integration! I will teach you how to use your newfound strength to explode with power movement classics.

Some say the simple act of using a thick bar can transform the average man into a powerhouse. I leave nothing to chance by teaching you insiders’ tips for axle-lifting dominance.

Plain and simple: You will not find these gems anywhere else. These movements are simply too rugged, too hardcore for your standard bench press and quarter-squat crowd. But do these and you will make more progress this year than the last three combined!

Not only do I want you to build freaky hand strength, I want you to amaze your friends and family with it! One of the greatest lifters of all time, Vic Boff, said, “Everyone loves a strongman,” and indeed, everyone loves to see this incredible feat of strength.

And much more. This DVD is packed full of information, all of it can be immediately used by YOU right now to get stronger. There is no fluff, no filler.

“Adam Glass has quickly proven to be a force in the Grip World, skyrocketing up the ranks of the sport and laying waste to former records all along the way.
His DVD should be a part of every aspiring Grip Athlete’s collection.”

– Jedd Johnson, CSCS, RKC, Red Nail & Captain of Crush Certified

“Adam does an amazing job. He is a natural speaker and teacher. I’m rarely captivated by a DVD, but this rocks! I recently set a new deadlift PR and without a doubt, grip work played the single biggest factor in my strength increase on the deadlift as it was my weak link.”

– Bret Contreras, CSCS, MA

A couple of years ago I mistook my left hand for a bush and trimmed it with my electric hedgeclippers. When the bandages came off I could barely hold a bottle of water in my left hand. During rehab, my left hand was only able to apply 40 psi to a dynamometer. I decided it was time to pursue grip training. Instead of asking Adam for help, I stalked him on the internet and watched all of his videos. Eventually we started talking. Soon after, I got stronger. Over the last two years I’ve made a remarkable comeback from that injury with Adam’s help.

In that time he has never told me to use a technique just because it worked for him or one of his mentors. Instead he taught me how to find the best technique for me. He taught me how to “balance” out the grip training with exercises that have kept me clear of overuse and injury. Most importantly I learned from Adam a way to choose appropriate exercises, weights, reps and sets to streamline my training and honor my body.

I have seen him work one-on-one with people and I’ve seen him work in larger groups and he is one of the greatest teachers I know. He is able to present the depth of knowledge that he has about grip training in a systematic, logical and approachable way that would benefit anyone interested in increasing their hand strength or health.

– Gary J. Berenbroick, Gym Owner & Instructor

“Before I had met adam I never really gave much to training my grip. What I have learned from Industrial Strength Grip is priceless. He gives you the tools to you need to build tremendous hand strength. Whether it be for sports, helping lifts in the gym or just carrying groceries in the house, this DVD will help everyone. For myself, it has helped me be able to plate curl a 35 pound plate for 7 reps, plate pinch 80 pounds one hand, close a CoC 2.5 and much more. Pick this product up you won’t be disappointed.

– Frank Berean, New York

Does this sound like a package you want?

This powerful knowledge can be yours right now.

Think about it, if you add even a few of these tools right now, how strong will you be in just one month? What about six months from now? A year?

It is scary to imagine how much better you will be!

The Industrial Strength Grip Vol. 2 formula gives you the very best grip movements in the world, with a detailed breakdown of each lift. There is no other resource on the market that provides this information.

The day after? The only promise I will make is that it will cost more.

I want you to succeed, and I want you to be confident in your investment with my training systems. How about this: You jump in now. You get Industrial Strength Grip Vol. 2, and you start training. If you are not 100 percent happy with your training and your results after 60 days, I will refund you every penny. This is a no-risk opportunity for you to get markedly stronger, add a slew of new skills to your training repertoire, and smash your previous bests in every lift.

You literally have nothing to lose, because I guarantee your satisfaction. You will thank me for offering this video package. But, if after 60 days you aren’t smashing grip feats you couldn’t achieve before I’ll cheerfully refund you 100% of your money back! No hassles or hard feelings from me. In fact, I’d appreciate if you sent me your workout journal so I can see what you did.

Industrial Strength Grip 2 is offered as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD video package of MP4 files that can be viewed on your Mac, PC, iPhone, Android or virtually any modern device. This is a DVD length video series consisting of 8 parts which you can watch the moment you purchase.

It starts right now, right here. Order industrial strength grip. Learn the advanced secrets of a world-record-setting grip athlete. Apply this info, and achieve your potential.

P.S. As a little bonus, I’m going to put all the free videos I put out in one place for those of you who purchase the product. In them, I covered over 35 other movements that aren’t even in the DVD.

P.P.S. Every time I put out a DVD product I end up doing a series of webinars and conference calls with the people who bought it. These proved invaluable in their training, and you won’t want to miss out on them.

P.P.P.S. I’m deadly serious about raising the price after the first 48 hours. Don’t sit on your hands and wait around.

P.P.P.P.S. Again, If you’re not 100% satisfied, send me an email note telling me why. I’ll refund you 100% and you can keep the videos on me.


Click here to get Get Industrial Strength Grip Volume 2! at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Get Industrial Strength Grip Volume 2! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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